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Ought Not To, Ought To: Pencil Skirts

Ought Not To, Ought To: Pencil Skirts

Affordable pencil skirts

Faith Connexion Zippered Pencil Skirt
Asos High-Waisted Navy Pencil Skirt

Forever 21 Orange Pencil Skirt
J.Crew White Zippered Pencil Skirt
Ann Taylor Sequined Pencil Skirt

Classiques Entier Leather Pencil Skirt
5th and Mercer Hot Pink Zippered Pencil Skirt

Happy Mother's Day, Mother!

In honor of my mom, today's "ought not to, ought to" post features pencil skirts. And why pencil skirts? Because pencil skirts are the only thing I've seen my mother wear. EVER. 

My mom's a classy lady, yo. She wears suits all day, every day. I'm talking full-on blazer, with a turtleneck underneath it if it's the winter and a cotton top underneath it if it's the summer, paired with a classic pencil skirt. Plus 2-1/2 inch heeled pointed-toe pumps. And sometimes a silk scarf to finish off the look. Like I said, she's a classy lady. 

So Mom, here are pencil skirts. And readers, here are pencil skirts. If you'll notice, the pencil skirts are all simple and solid-colored. Cuz that's what my mom wears. And today I honor my mom. 

Don't assume that this post only applies to my mom or grown-ups who wear pencil skirts as part of their work uniform. Uh-uh. This post applies to everyone. You can easily wear a pencil skirt on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I do. It's all in the pairings.

With a button-down and pumps, a pencil skirt is perfect for work. With a tee and sneakers, a pencil skirt becomes casual, trendy, and everyday wear. To make it even more clear:


          Business Casual                                                               Casual Casual


On a completely unrelated note, yep:


                                                                           photo from William Johnson

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