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No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

I love cookies. They're probably my favorite dessert form.

And cups are good too, because I drink coffee from cups. So there's that.

And chocolate. Chocolate is also great. Because it's chocolate. And double chocolate? Simply a step up from there.

So, put it all together, and what do you get? Chocolate cookie cups. No-butter double chocolate cookie cups. Rich, soft, dense, oozing no-butter double chocolate cookie cups.


No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

And what exactly is a cookie cup, you ask?

A cookie cup, folks, is created from a ball of cookie dough that's baked in a muffin tin. It's a muffin or a cupcake. But it's made from a thick, cookie-like dough. So it's really not a muffin or a cupcake. It's a cookie in the shape of a short and stout cup/muffin/cupcake. But it's a cookie. 

I tend to make things more confusing once I explain them. What can I say, I'm gifted. 

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

But while made from a double chocolate cookie dough. these no-butter double chocolate cookie cups are superior to double chocolate cookies. Because they're cups. Which means these mammas are thiiiiiick. And dense. And rich. And gooey. And almost resemble chocolate lava cakes (both in appearance and taste).

And they're big too. One cookie cup is probably the size of 2.5 cookies. So while you may be reluctant to reach for three cookies in a row, you should have no problem devouring one of these chocolate cookie cups in an alarmingly short amount of time. Because technically, you've still only eaten one. 

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com
No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

But for all I've said, these chocolate cups are not exactly cookies. Because you don't cream your sugar and butter (or in this case, oil) together, then mix in your egg and vanilla extract, and then add in your dry ingredients. These cookie cups use the muffin mixing method. Just stir together the dry ingredients, add in all the wet ones, and mix it all together until just combined. So quick. So simple. So easy.

And there's also a decent amount of liquid used in these cookie cups. Which you don't usually find in a cookie recipe. 

But the area in which these chocolate cookie cups very much resemble a double chocolate cookie is in the oozing chunks of chocolate that should emerge from each cup once you bite into it. Muffins usually use neat, little chocolate chips. But cookies can handle hefty chunks of chocolate. So can these cookie cups. And they do. Boy oh boy do they ever.

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

Let me just reiterate: these no-butter cookie cups are so quick and easy. One bowl, one spatula, a muffin tin, and an oven, and you're all set. Plus, they're rich and deep and intense. No skimping on the cocoa flavor for these. And these cookie cups are soft and gooey on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside. 

One of these no-butter double chocolate cookie cups, with a scoop of ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup? Easiest, quickest, most delicious dessert evaaaaaaaaa.

No-Butter Double Chocolate Cookie Cups: rich, soft, gooey double chocolate cookie cups packed with chocolate chunks. So easy! | TrufflesandTrends.com

no-butter double chocolate cookie cups

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Yield: 12 cookie cups

1 1/3 cups packed flour
1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 egg
1/2 cup oil
1/3 cup milk (or non-dairy milk substitute)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup chopped semi-sweet chocolate (or chocolate chips)

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease 12 muffins tins well.

In a large bowl, stir together the first 8 dry ingredients, through salt. 

Make a well in the center and add in the egg, oil, milk, and vanilla extract. Stir everything together until just combined. Chop up chocolate and mix in chocolate chunks last. 

Using a large cookie scoop, divide batter into muffin tins evenly and then press dough down into tins. 

Bake cookie cups for 15 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out with a few moist crumbs. 

Let cookie cups cool and harden in tin before easing them out with a knife. 

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