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Just for Kicks

Just for Kicks

click on an image to be brought to its web page. items pictured in ascending price order. 

There are forty-eight pairs of sneakers above. Forty-eight! That's more options than I ever put when making these types of posts. But I had to. I couldn't narrow my picks down to forty, or even forty-four. I needed to post all these forty-eight pairs. I had to. 

Now, if you're one of those people that still thinks that sneakers are relegated solely to the gym or work-outs, think again. Because sneakers are fashionable streetwear these days. They're appropriate for everyday wear and the gym. Both. 

If you're still wary about the whole sneakers-for-streetwear phenomenon, you can get sneakers that are more casually styled rather than a pair that has a very athletic look to it.

But either way, get yourself a pair of kicks. One of the forty-eight sneaker options above would be a good place to start. Because there are all colors and styles included in this collage. 

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Stripes: a Selection

Stripes: a Selection

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