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60 Holiday Gifts Under $60

60 Holiday Gifts Under $60

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Okay. I know. I know I’m a little late. And by a “little” I mean like over a month late. Ugh the gift searching starts so early for most people.

So let’s just call this the last-minute holiday gift guide. To be fair though, you do have six days until Chanukah. And nine days until Christmas. So like. It’s not THAT late.

I’ve got sixty gifts for you to browse through today. And they’re all under sixty dollar dollar bills yo. Many under fifty and forty and thirty and twenty and some even under ten. Bucks.

Most of the gifts in this collage are skewed toward a “her” recipient, but not all. Categories include tech, kitchenware, home goods, beauty items, fashion accessories, books, and various novelty items. I think that covers everything.

Not kidding, I really want that 1500+ bead set; every time I see a kid with a bead and/or alphabet bracelet/choker, I want to steal it off his/her arm/neck. TMI.

Happy gift shopping chicas and chicos.

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