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Medley of (Heeled) Mules

Medley of (Heeled) Mules

Click on an image to shop. Items pictured in ascending price order.

Errrrmmmmagash. It’s the last post of April. We’re in full swing - err spring. It’s warm out! FINALLY. And it’s time for some of my favorite warmer-weather shoe types: mules!!!!

In my book, mules > sandals. Any day. Because sandals = same old. And mules = functionality of sandals in wayyyy cooler form. Quite simply, backless shoes are fun stuff, ya feel?

Above are forty-eight mules, pictured in ascending price order. All of these mules are heeled, although they’re not all high-heeled. Many of these mules are low and mid-heeled, which makes them more practical and wearable for everyday wear. The high-heeled mules are great for nights out and formal events, tho.

Also, the first 16 mule options in this collage are under $100. And almost all are under $200. Like, aside from just the last four. So we could also call this post “Medley of Affordable (Heeled) Mules.” But that would have ruined my alliteration. Although the “heeled” already kinda ruined it.

Anywhoooo. Mule over these options, why don’t you.

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