Sixty Shirts | Truffles and Trends


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Sixty Shirts

Sixty Shirts

Click on an image to shop. Items pictured in ascending price order.

Oh haiiii happy March!

Wait. Hold on. March. MARCH. The month in which spring officially commences! DAYYYYUM we made it. We’ve pulled through. Winter will soon be a thing of the past.

Today, I have shirts for you. Sixty of them. In cropped and longline and fitted and oversized and white and black and basic and embellished and classic and puffed-sleeved and cotton and denim and hefty and sheer. Pictured in ascending price order. And over fifty of the shirts above are under $100.

Button-downs are perfect for spring. And for basically any occasion except the very formal. Like here: Pair a crisp white shirt with boyfriend jeans and heeled mules for an everyday look. Or opt for a silky button down tucked into a midi skirt with pumps for a classic, dressed-up work look. Or don an oversized, lightweight shirt over your swimwear for an easy cover-up solution. Or style a cropped button down with shorts or a mini skirt and some sneakers for a casual, youthful look.

Sixty shirts. Select some. See ya.

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