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Bandanas, Bucket Hats, and Big Chains

Bandanas, Bucket Hats, and Big Chains

Click on an image to shop. Items pictured in ascending price order per category.

I don’t have a summer trend for you today. I have three summer trends for you today. Three accessory trends. Two that I’m very excited about. And one that I can appreciate on someone else (preferably an individual I don’t know personally) but simply cannot pull off myself.

We’ve got bandanas. Bucket hats. And chunky chain necklaces. Guess which is the one I wouldn’t wear. Yep, the bucket hats. I mean, they cool and all. BUT. Not for me and my curly head of hair.

But the bandanas though. They’ve made a comeback. And not in the tied-around-your-neck or wear-as-headband way. But in the classic, original bandana way — folded into a triangle and worn tied around the top and back of the head. Yum.

And chunky chains. I can’t say I ever stopped wearing them. But this season, statement chain chokers are highly pervasive.

Above are forty-eight bandanas, bucket hats, and big chain necklaces, pictured in ascending price order per category. And almost all of these accessories (except some of the chains) are under $50.

Allow me to paint a picture for you: a floral bandana, slim vintage sunglasses, a chunky gold chain choker — I think I’ve just entranced myself.

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