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Fuzzy Sweater Favorites

Fuzzy Sweater Favorites

Click on an image to shop. Items pictured in ascending price order.

LOLLLL yes more sweatery stuff. But hey — Monday’s post covered non-sweater knits i.e. knit skirts and pants. So today’s post is different. We’re covering sweaters. But only those that are of the sweaters-to-fulfill-all-your-sensory-dreams variety.

Such as: Furry sweaters. Fuzzy sweaters. Fluffy sweaters. Fleece sweaters. And I hate to break up the “F” alliterations, but also: Teddy sweaters. And Chenille sweaters. In short, sweaters so soft and cozy and comfy you’ll prob be caught stroking yourself alllllll day. No biggie.

Above are forty-four fuzzy hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, capes, and cardigans, pictured in ascending price order. And the first thirty-three options are under $100.

You know when people say “oh you look so cozy” and it’s generally taken as “you look like you just rolled outta bed?” Not this time. Not with these fluffy sweaters. With the soft sweaters above, you get all the style, with all the cozy comfort.

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Flourless Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

Flourless Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies